Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Initial value conditions

Sometimes, I think on, say, a math test for example, I could have done better (a purely hypothetical situation). Perhaps I made some "stupid" mistakes or didn't study or didn't know about the test... It bothers me when that occurs. And I don't like being bothered, at least not by myself.

So my new way of thinking about such matters is this: given a set of surrounding conditions a.k.a the "initial value conditions," the probabilistic outcome of me performing the exact same way as I did is very high. When you think about it, it makes sense. If you were to revisit a past event, would you have acted differently? I think the chances of us behaving the same way are very high, influenced largely by the initial value conditions that were lost in translation.

That's why I also don't bother correcting my grammar in previous posts.

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